Tag Archives: Japanese language


(Muzukashikatta!) “It was difficult!”

On December 2, I made the drive up to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I got to hang out with a college friend before spending several hours melting my brain on Sunday…while taking the middle level—”N3″—of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Thankfully I was taking it to get a baseline and see what areas I most need to target in my studies—kanji!!! (Chinese characters used in Japanese)—because I’m around 95% sure I didn’t pass. Results won’t come out until “the end of January until March,” so it’ll be a while before I get to know for sure. But it was a good experience to get under my belt, especially as I’ll have to take the JLPT in Fukuoka as a part of my language school requirements during the year in which I’ll be doing full-time Japanese language studies at GenkiJACS.

As a post-test reward—and last hurrah before I made the drive back to Indiana—my friend and I grabbed Korean fusion food for dinner, which was quite tasty!